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The Team

Prof. Zeev Rudnick
Principal Investigator
My work is supported by ERC Advanced Grant Random Models in Arithmetic and Spectral Theory (RMAST),
It was previously supported (2013-2019) by ERC Advanced Grant Arithmetic and Quantum Chaos

Noam Kimmel
PhD student, working on problems in analytic number theory.

Yotam Maoz
M.Sc. student
MSc student, working on random hyperbolic surfaces

Roei Raveh
M.Sc. student
MSc student, working on zeros of modular forms

Adi Zilka
M.Sc. student
MSc student, working in analytic number theory

Omer Simhi
M.Sc. student
M.S.c student, working on analytic number theory.

Liron Dolev
Research Administrative Assistant
Office: Schreiber 125
Contact Us
For administrative issues please contact:
Tel Aviv University,Schreiber bulding, P.O. Box 39040,
Tel Aviv 6997801, Israel
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